Submitted assignments can be reassigned before and after they are graded.
2. The Reassignment Comments section appears. Add your comments and select Validate Reassignment when finished.
3. The status of the assignment will change from SUBMITTED to REASSIGNED.
When an assignment has been reassigned more than once, use the Status dropdown menu to view previous comments, recordings, and MakeMusic Cloud assessments.
Select Edit Reassignment to make changes to your Reassignment Comments.
4. Use the Student dropdown menu to select the next assignment to review or select Back to grid page to return to your Gradebook grid.
- In the Gradebook, a
appears for reassigned assignments. The assignment appears in the Reassigned Assignments page for the students. They can view your comments and retake the assignment.
- View the Retaking an assignment article to see the reassignment process from the student's point of view.