
To join a class with an existing account, you will need to ask your teacher for your Class Code. The Class Code is in this format: XXXXX-XXXXX.


There are two ways to enter your Class Code:

  1. From the Login Page.
  2. From the MakeMusic Cloud Home Page.


To join a class from the Login Page, go to


Skip over the Username and Password fields and select Join a class.


Join a class.png


Enter your email and class code. Select Find your Class.


Join a class_2.png


Class name and teacher name appear. If this information is correct, select Join this Class.

Join a class_3.png



You will then be prompted to log in to your MakeMusic Cloud account. After logging in, The MakeMusic Cloud Home Page appears. Your new class is now listed in your Active classes.




Log in to your MakeMusic Cloud account, move your cursor to the left side of the screen to open the navigation menu and choose the Join class option.



Enter your Class Code. Select Find your Class.



The Class Name and MakeMusic Cloud Platform associated with that Class Code appears. If the class information is correct, select Join this Class.


The MakeMusic Cloud Home Page appears. Your new class is now listed under Active classes.



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