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Step 1A: select an assignment to grade from the Dashboard.


View students' submitted assignments by clicking Assignments in the appropriate class dashboard under "Active classes". You are taken to the Gradebook for that class.




Click on a Submitted Assignment to grade it (refer to Gradebook legend for color explanations).




The Submission page appears (see step 2).



Step 1B: select an assignment grade from the Gradebook.


To view your Gradebook, hover your mouse over the left edge of the Home screen. When the Navigation Menu appears, click Gradebook.




Then use the Select a Class drop-down menu to choose the appropriate class.




A grid of students, assignments, and grades appear.


To view assignment grades as a percentage or as points, select Options and choose See grades as % or See grades as points from the See grades as... dropdown.




Optional: To narrow your results select, Options and choose a grading period from the Filter By Grading Period drop-down menu. Assignments will appear in the grading period that they are due. See Creating or using an existing Grading Calendar for more information.




Optional: Sort student list by their current grade or last name. Use the arrows above each column to adjust how the student list is sorted.




Use the Gradebook legend in the left corner to find Submitted. Select any blue tile to view a student's submitted assignment. 





Step 2: review the assignment.


The Submission page appears. Details about the submitted assignment appear to the left of the music. MakeMusic Cloud assesses accuracy of both pitch and rhythm in the student's performance and automatically provides an Assessment Grade for you. In the music, green noteheads indicate that the correct pitch was played at the correct time. Red noteheads indicate incorrect timing or pitch. The vertical placement of a red notehead on the staff indicates the pitch that was played. 


If your assignment has a repeat, select anywhere within the repeat to view the assessment. The one_and_two.png icon appears. Select one.png to display the assessment for the first repeat and two.png to display the assessment for the second repeat. The selected icon turns yellow and the green and red notes change to reflect the selected repeat. 




Use the controls above the music to speed up or slow down the tempo, zoom in or out, and change pages. Select Vector.png to listen to your student's submission. If your student included comments when submitting their assignment, they appear under Submission Comments




If you need to reassign this to your student, select the Reassign button. Select Grade to begin grading the assignment. See Reassigning a submitted assignment for more information. 


Select See Instructions to view the Instructions that you included for your students.




The Your Instructions dialog box appears. Select Hide Instructions to return to the Submissions page.





Step 3: grade the assignment.


From the Submission page, select Grade.




The GradeRubric Details, and Grading Comments appear.




The Assessment Grade is automatically generated. To enter values for the remaining criteria, select Grade next to the criterion and enter the grade. Manually grade the assignment based on whether you selected Single or Multiple in the Create Your Rubric page.


If you are using criteria with multiple levels use the green bubbles to select a level from that criterion, or select the Grade button.




The Criterion Panel appears. Select the level you wish to assign for that criterion and then select Done to return to close the Criterion Panel.




To change the Assessment Grade or grade for another criterion, select the numerical value next to the criterion and enter the grade. The Overall Grade is automatically adjusted. Include any comments you would like to send to the student in the Grading Comments text box.  




When you are finished grading the assignment, select Validate Grading.



Step 4: confirm the grade.


The status of the assignment changes from SUBMITTED to ACCEPTED




If there are multiple students that have submitted the same assignment, select the Forward Arrow to grade the next student. Or, choose any student from the drop-down menu. Select Back to grid page to return to the class grid.





Step 5: review graded assignments.


Graded assignments appear on the Dashboard of a student's account under My Graded Assignments. The student can mouse over the assignment and select Review to review the grade and any comments from you.


If you have created a Grading Scale that matches a grade name (e.g. A-, S, etc.) to a point percentage, the student also sees the grade name for each individual graded assignment when reviewing it.


As an Educator, you can review graded assignments in the Gradebook. If you find that you need to make changes to the grade, select the tile that you would like to review and start the grading process again. 




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