View the amount of time you spend practicing assignments and exploring content using MakeMusic Cloud's Practice Analysis. Earn Awards based on your engagement.
Access Practice Analysis
- In the menu on the left, select Practice Analysis
Practice Time
The Practice Time Graph
The Practice Time page displays practice time for the selected filters. The infographics are displayed by Assignments, Exploration, and Combined categories.
MakeMusic Cloud starts tracking practice time as soon as the play or record button is clicked. See Playing and practicing music.
Viewing Practice Time by Class
You may view your practice analytics for a specific class by unchecking All and choosing your class from the Select a Class dropdown menu.
If you are connected to multiple MakeMusic Cloud platforms, the dropdown menu will group your classes under different headings representing your platforms.
Viewing Practice Time by Date Ranges
The Practice Time page will default to viewing your practice time from the Past 7 days from all of your classes.
Note that you need to select Today to view any data from the current day. Past 7 days and Past 30 days will not display today's data.
You can also modify what the graph displays by using the Day and Week buttons below the graph.
Assigned Content
Click on the Assigned Content tab
The Assigned Content page displays the content that you have accessed from assignments for the selected filters.
Explored Content
Click on the Explored Content tab
The Explored Content page displays the content that you have accessed outside of assignments for the selected filters.
Click on the Awards tab
Awards can be enabled by your teacher to recognize your dedication. The Awards page displays the badges that you have earned for the selected class.
To view Awards, you need to uncheck the All button and select your class from the dropdown menu
Three different awards can be enabled in MakeMusic Cloud:
Discipline: Awarded to students who play or record assigned content the specified number of times or minutes over a chosen time period.
Discovery: Awarded to students who play or record non-assigned (exploration) content the specified number of times or minutes over a chosen time period.
Consistency: Awarded to students who play or record any content a specified number of times or minutes everyday over a chosen time period.
Click Show details under each badge to see how to earn your Award.
- An Award has three different states that can be seen on the Practice Analysis page:
- If your teacher hasn't enabled an Award, it will appear as a gray outline, like below
- If your teacher hasn't enabled an Award, it will appear as a gray outline, like below
- The attached bubble shows the total number of days that you have held the award.
An Award is fully colored when it is enabled and you currently hold it.
- The attached bubble shows the total number of days that you have held the award.