What am I missing? A student submitted an assignment. SmartMusic gave it a grade of 50. I went to the page to 'reassign." However, I only see 'cancel' and 'validate grading.'

Where's the reassign button?  


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    Paul McCullen

    YES!!! It is missing. SMARTMUSIC - this needs to be fixed immediately.


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    Nathan Haskew

    I too wondered about the reassign button. If an assignment is graded only through the Assessment Rubric (not a recording rubirc) is reassign an option once it has been submitted? I do not see a reassign button in the assignments I have created and students have submitted. 

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    Sarah Mickle

    Why is no one from SmartMusic responding to these questions????  I also have the same issues and would love a response from anyone at SmartMusic.

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    Amanda Boer

    Smartmusic!  Please respond!!  This is important!  

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    This is ridiculous. Smartmusic please fix this immediately, or at the very least respond. 

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    Jon Cielinski

    Hi everyone,

    Currently, assignments are able to be reassigned only before they have been graded. If you have selected Grade this Assignment Automatically when creating an assignment, this would prevent it from being reassigned as soon as it has been submitted. To re-assign after a submission is graded, the assignment would need to be removed for the student and re-added from the edit assignment page. You can find exact steps here.

    As always, I also recommend voting for the thread for this feature on our feature request forum. This greatly helps our development team prioritize which functionality is added next.


    I'd also like to mention that these forums are intended for discussion among SmartMusic users. To receive a reply from SmartMusic support, always feel free to contact us via the Submit a Request link at the top right of the screen, or the Help button at the bottom right of most pages in SmartMusic.

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