I've started using Smart Music about a week ago and I uploaded a song on my Smart Music for my kids to practice, but when I click open or assign, the piece won't open. It just stays on the loading screen. I see Application Loading go to 100% and Score loading to 100%, but the screen just gets stuck there. Does anyone know what to do?
The same thing happened to me on a large piece with 24 parts. I contacted SmartMusic support. There seems to be a bug here. There is a work-around. Go to the Content Manager, select your song, and click "Edit." When your song opens, select "File" and then export it as an XML. (What? WHY? Stay with me.) Now re-import the XML file you just created. Hopefully, everything will be the way it was in the first place. It will now open in SmartMusic. You're probably saying, "What a stupid fix! That shouldn't be necessary." You're right. Unfortunately, that's the only way to open your troublesome file for the time being.