In SmartMusic is there a way let students submit a non assigned recording?


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    Timothy Kelly

    I was wondering the same thing! 

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    I would like to know too.  Originally I wanted to have access to Smartmusic for this time out of school for kids to practice, explore and find what music they would like to practice.  So, I have assigned some music, but would like them to explore, record and submit.  But, not sure it will do that. The other thing I was looking for is for me to see if they are practicing, how much time they are spending online.  Of course without assigning, can we still see their activity with out assigning them?

    Or, is any activity recored in the assignments page?

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    Erin Hughes

    Same I am interested in this answer too. For the purpose of exploring and getting to know what is all out there, I would like to just let them pick something to record and submit of their choice. 

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    Ryan Kriebel


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    Caitlin roseum

    I contacted someone from the help desk and they said it's not possible to submit a non-assigned recording through SM. If a student wants to share a non-assigned recording they should download the audio file and email it to the teacher. 

    I asked if this was a feature possibly in the works, and they said not at this time, however if more people ask for the feature to be added then they are more likely to do so ;-) 

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    Elden Seta

    I would also like for this to be a feature! Giving the students an option to choose something that they like is a great for their growth too. Please include! Thank you!

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    Craig West


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    Emanuele Sellitri

    In my opinion it is worse because they are confusing. The function you ask would lead the students to search for a song from the library and record it with simpler settings than the teacher programmed for the class. In my opinion it is right that they download the file and send it by e-mail.

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