Get started as a student in MakeMusic Cloud by first joining a class and creating an account. Students need a valid email address and a Class Code to connect. Students may use a personal, parental, or school email address. Teachers provide the Class Code in this format: XXXXX-XXXXX. Read the article below to learn how to create an account and join a class.
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Step 1: Join Your Class.
Once your teacher has shared your Class Code with you, go to
Skip over the Username and Password fields and select Join a class.
Enter your email and class code. Select Find your Class.
Class name and teacher name appear. If this information is correct, select Join this Class.
Step 2: Create Your Account.
The Sign in with Google/Create an Account page appears.
Verify your Country, Timezone, and verify if you are 13 or older (in accordance with the COPPA rule). If you are under 13 years old, you can still create an account and join a class. Enter your Name and Backup Email.
It is recommended that you include a Backup Email. If you forget your password and do not have access to the primary email address on your account, you can send a password reset email to your Backup Email address. When you reset your password on the login page, the password reset email is sent to both your primary email address and your Backup Email address.
Create your Username and Password. Use the drop-down menu to select a Primary Instrument, (required). Secondary Instrument is optional.
Select I have read and agree to the terms and conditions (required). Select Create Account.
After you select Create Account, the Confirm your email address message appears.
Step 3: Activate Your Account.
Go to your email and open the Welcome to MakeMusic Cloud activation email. Select Confirm your email to activate your account. In the event that you cannot receive outside emails, don't worry; your teacher will be able to activate your account.
The Login page appears. Select one of the following options to get started:
- Sign in with Google
- Sign in with School Passport
- Enter your Username or Email, Password, and select Login
If you sign in with Google, you will receive the following message:
Click I understand to proceed or click Cancel to return to the Login page.
After you have joined your class, you can complete your assignments.