"This music isn't currently available in your country"
Currently, some titles in MakeMusic Cloud are unfortunately not available in every country due to certain licensing restrictions.
In many cases, we are able to request access to these pieces to gain permissions to include your region. If you receive this message on a title that you would like to gain access to, please fill out our Repertoire Request Form, including your country, to submit directly to our Repertoire Development team. While we can't guarantee that every request can be added, this form provides you with a direct channel to the teams that drive these decisions, and it provides our team with valuable information about what our users are looking for.
“Content unavailable”
Additionally, some users may experience the following message when attempting to open a title from their Favorites or Playlists that are not available in their country.
Similarly, if you receive this message on a title that you would like to gain access to, please fill out our Repertoire Request Form.